Here it is, jwundubbed...
Reveal News was also mentioned:
this former elder, was briefly featured on pbs segment about child abuse among jehovah's witnesses.
in this youtube interview, he is asked about some of his experiences in the org from 1971 to the present.. at about 16:10 he starts telling his story about his involvement with trey bundy, and how he got to know jonathan kendrick, from the candace conti case.. for some reason, this video is starting 15 minutes in, and i can't get the link to start at zero.... you can always rewind ;-).
Here it is, jwundubbed...
Reveal News was also mentioned:
there is usually a metamorphosis that takes place for a person to leave the jehovah's witness religion.
most people do not just up and go simply because they realize this could not be the truth.
it often takes time.. for those that go to meetings or engage in the ministry, will you forever continue doing these things, knowing that it is all bs?
Long Hair Gal, & are you serious....
Yep, as LHG said, they covered the mirrors to make us sisters 'get outta there faster'...
I went to the Cow Palace, in San Francisco... probably around 2005..
I had something in my eye, I needed to check it, I went in the bathroom, and they had a little "protector clone" in front of the mirror (she was about 20) "Sorry sister, the brothers don't want us to use the mirrors" (smile, stare)
"Well, what if we have something in our eyes? and we need to see it, and what if our makeup is running down our face?" I ask.... She just repeats... I tore a corner off, right in front of her, and checked my eyes.......
Then, I went to every single women's bathroom in the whole stadium and ripped alllllll the paper of every single mirror!
Then I went downstairs to the whatever department (with another elder's wife beside me, to help keep me calm) to tell them how wrong that was.
Whew! You know? I don't think they ever did that again whilest I was going... Left in 2012.
this former elder, was briefly featured on pbs segment about child abuse among jehovah's witnesses.
in this youtube interview, he is asked about some of his experiences in the org from 1971 to the present.. at about 16:10 he starts telling his story about his involvement with trey bundy, and how he got to know jonathan kendrick, from the candace conti case.. for some reason, this video is starting 15 minutes in, and i can't get the link to start at zero.... you can always rewind ;-).
Yes, Diogenesister, "we" expect the GB to live up to Bible standards, and it is disappointing to see the G.O.D team as just a cog in a corporate machine wheel. Thank you! Imagine the "active JW audience" trying to reconcile this in their brains!
I agree truth_b_known, it is a good question to ask, and we hope it stirs people to think, "Why can't I do the same thing I ask others to do?"
there is usually a metamorphosis that takes place for a person to leave the jehovah's witness religion.
most people do not just up and go simply because they realize this could not be the truth.
it often takes time.. for those that go to meetings or engage in the ministry, will you forever continue doing these things, knowing that it is all bs?
Me, personally? I hate hypocrisy, I hate liars, and even "when in" I would speak out against it quite openly, whether it be at a Kingdom Hall build, at a District assembly where they covered all the mirrors, or when they wouldn't feed the brothers doing concrete unless they came "to the table" (let the concrete go to hell) or even when they started to change "the genetation"/20th century thing, I called "The Society"
I always thought the TRUTH allowed you to say the TRUTH.
I was mad in 2011, after reading the WTs on 607 BCE, doing the math, reading that there WASN'T just ONE OR TWO stinking tablets " there is a writtten record of business tablets in Babylon FOR EVERY DAY! No "oops, we cant tell which year that King ruled"......
That means they know 1914, and then 1919 are bogus dates!
That did it.. they lied, they knew it, they used my life. I was done. I cried.
I am so glad to be out.
this former elder, was briefly featured on pbs segment about child abuse among jehovah's witnesses.
in this youtube interview, he is asked about some of his experiences in the org from 1971 to the present.. at about 16:10 he starts telling his story about his involvement with trey bundy, and how he got to know jonathan kendrick, from the candace conti case.. for some reason, this video is starting 15 minutes in, and i can't get the link to start at zero.... you can always rewind ;-).
Flipper, thanks for writing such an articulate review, you are such a warm hearted guy who, unlike the WT, cares about people. What more can I say, you have put all of our feelings into words.
We all would like to know what " goes on behind closed doors" in a court case, and now we have a chance to peek behind the curtain with this interview.
Our thanks to all who support the courageous who have left, and spoken out. Thanks to "ExJW the Fifth" and others like him who take the time out of their lives to do all of this hard work to make this possible
this former elder, was briefly featured on pbs segment about child abuse among jehovah's witnesses.
in this youtube interview, he is asked about some of his experiences in the org from 1971 to the present.. at about 16:10 he starts telling his story about his involvement with trey bundy, and how he got to know jonathan kendrick, from the candace conti case.. for some reason, this video is starting 15 minutes in, and i can't get the link to start at zero.... you can always rewind ;-).
This former elder, was briefly featured on PBS segment about child abuse among Jehovah's Witnesses. In this YouTube interview, he is asked about some of his experiences in the org from 1971 to the present.
At about 16:10 he starts telling his story about his involvement with Trey Bundy, and how he got to know Jonathan Kendrick, from the Candace Conti case.
For some reason, this video is starting 15 minutes in, and I can't get the link to start at zero.... you can always rewind ;-)
i was talking to an elder recently about all sorts of things non j.w related.. he said something about a guy in his congregation who is related to my ex wife and molested a little girl.. i said " i don't want to hear anything about that guy after what he did".
elder"i dont know what he did".
me" he is a child sex offender".
It is so weird, isn't It? How someone who can one moment be giving a talk about a "God of truth", or counseling someone to "tell the truth"..... or maybe even bragging that "JWs have the truth", and then stare you right in the face and lie to you..
in the last week i have had three visits from brothers.
so 6 witnesses in all as they come in pairs.
now considering i used to go to the meetings, sit by myself and literally no one talked to me - ever - why the concern all of a sudden?.
Cheeky cow is right!! That is audacious.... "Get it done, it's not you!" Ha!
I would be steaming too!
the manipulative use of language by the org in the upcoming circuit assembly talks is as good - or better - than any advertising conglomerate could devise.
the mind-shaping wording is clearly used in order to deter critical thinking by the sheep.. face bad reports as jesus did (9 min.
note to the speaker: explain why spiritually mature people do not become ashamed of the good news or dismayed when faced with negative propaganda.
Jesus kept focused on doing his Father’s will without becoming troubled by what his opponents said. Jesus did not get distracted by trying to defend himself from every false accusation.......he did not waste time arguing endlessly with incorrigible opponents.
So, if Peter, Paul, John and Luke were proven to be pedophiles by 20 kids and the court of law, would "Jesus be troubled by what his opponents said"?
Jesus would not get in front of a crowd an say "I abhor child abuse!"... He would do something about it.
full stop.
(paragraph 12 -- feburary 2017 watchtower -- who is leading god's people today?
)so why then would any jw abide by harmful doctrines setup by the governing body (blood, shunning, the two-witness rule, etc)?
Those two opposite quotes are invaluable! They say it all! Sometimes, with the volume of literature the WT puts out (on purpose) you can go crazy trying to find the opposing demanding views they print. Now it's logged, it's history.
Thank you!